[J-31] [FC-31] Chinese second Stealth Fighter [Engine]

Chinese second Stealth Fighter new photo gallery This is 2018 原先宣传的FC-31战斗机具有歼20战斗机50%的价格,90%的能力,现在看来估计是90%的价格,50%的能力,因为架构设计不够先进,外加发动机很落后,造成机动性差,弹仓浅,设备少。 Top speed: 2,200 km / h Length: 17 m Wingspan: 12 m Engine type: Klimov RD-93 First flight: October…

Chinese AG 600 seaplane large amphibious flying boat

Chinese AG 600 seaplane large amphibious flying boat 中国自主研制、全球在研最大水陆两栖飞机AG600在广东珠海首飞。AG600填补了我国在大型水陆两栖飞机领域的研制空白,继运20、C919之后为我国大飞机家族再添一名强有力的重量级选手。 The aircraft made its first flight in Zhuhai, Guangdong on 24 December 2017. The development of the plane is one of…