[Tire] [Tyre] [Wheel] The Basics
Tires Knowledges
Tires Knowledges
Understanding Anti-lock Braking System (ABS) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=98DXe3uKwfc
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mOUJ4C61Lts 汽油、柴油、煤油有什么区别? 原油是各种油品和残渣(沥青)的混合物,在炼油厂经过整流提纯后,按蒸馏设备生产产品所需的温度从低到高依次分离的依次是:塔顶气(类似天然气)、汽油、煤油、柴油、渣油(沥青),产品密度也是依次增大。实际生产中,大部分炼油厂都将煤油产品一半掺入汽油,一半掺入柴油,而不生产煤油产品。 汽油燃点低,可以用电活塞点燃,汽油发动机小巧轻便,所以小功率的汽车如小轿车、摩托车、轻便三轮车都采用的汽油发动机。汽油标号常见的有90#、94#、98#等,它指的是相对燃烧稳定性,标号越大品质越好。 柴油燃点较高,需要通过压缩的高温空气进行引燃,而高温高压酒决定了柴油机比较笨重,但是柴油机可以提供很大的功率,所以大功率机械基本都是柴油车如轮船、起重机、拖拉机、卡车、坦克等都采用柴油机。柴油标号常见的有0#、-10#,它指的是柴油结冰的冰点温度。 煤油燃点介于前两者之间,可用电活塞点燃,且燃烧稳定。解放初期,我国大部分农村点的灯都是用煤油。而航空煤油需要特别提纯然后再调制,燃烧稳定性非常高,在飞机发动机里燃烧后迅速喷射而出,可为飞机提供足够的动力。
The Very Basics of Electric Auto
How electric motor works https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3SAxXUIre28
All about auto engines Example: Saab 93 1.9 TiD (Turbo Injection Direct) 缸内直喷
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DqWKNuTppmU This animation explains the working principle of turbocharged Diesel engines and turbos in general. Air Intake: 自然吸气 Turbo charged: not 自然吸气 more
Unibody VS Body on Frame https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FTRloAVHW_A 承载式: Monocoque or Unibody are the terms used to indicate when the body of the vehicle is designed and built to support the weight of the vehicle…
This is a GOOD read. If you want to understand Torque and Horsepower, read it.
Inside the auto structure, gallery good images
Bring back old BMW 3 serie to full life This old car costed $2,500, spend $2,500 to repair it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aZiooz-YlT4 源于情怀,再聊聊这辆宝马320 E46【白话汽车】 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z6NP-w6Oigs
How Turbocharger works - animated video 涡轮增压器的工作原理——Turbo Dynamic https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UUVjUG8q1GQ turbo: 涡轮 turbine: 涡轮 whirlpool: 涡流 旋涡, 涡流: 巨大的吸引力 https://thumbs.dreamstime.com/t/raging-whirlpool-huge-river-surface-54508101.jpg Best even video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ji3MpElXr4s https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wevzjnRKG30 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RVnlRKnMjhk
How Diesel Engines Work Four Stroke Combustion Cycle https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fTAUq6G9apg https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DZt5xU44IfQ
Wanneer doe je eigenlijk je versnellingsbak olie vervangen?? Normally, never need to change the versnellingsbak olie. But, if you really want, of course only better. BUT: If the koppeling was…
Here's the Real Reason You Should Never Warm Up Your Car Real reason: It takes longer, wastes fuel, and actually increases the wear and tear on your engine. Let me…