Maserati in China 2021
Maserati in China 2021
Maserati in China 2021
Maserati Levante in China
China becomes the largest market for Maserati in 2016 2016 closed with 42,100 Maserati cars delivered to dealers, an increase of 30% over the previous year, thanks to the contribution…
Enjoy the photo's, what a beautiful car. 530 Hp, 710Nm.
Maserati fun time in China 2018 Just some photos in China
Maserati Levante in Dubai
Maserati Quattroporte, Ghibli, Levante in China 滇藏公路是五大进藏公路中“最美进藏线 ”,山道崎岖,部分公路有塌方以及坑洼烂路。本次试驾以纳西古城丽江为起点,翻越三江并流的横断山进入藏东南,一路西行直抵拉萨。陪伴我们进藏的是来自亚平宁半岛的三剑客,有玛莎拉蒂行政级跑车Quattroporte,高性能四门轿车Ghibli,还有玩性十足的豪华SUV Levante。
Test driving Maserati Levante in desert China Price in China: 玛莎拉蒂Levante 99.98~147.80万 $150,000 - $240,000 SOURCE
Maserati LEVANTE S in China 这是一台典型的玛莎拉蒂车型,也是这个百年品牌的首款SUV,也是我在半年之内第三次接触这个来自西西里岛的全能战士。三次体验之后,我对LEVANTE的评价如下:优雅和狂野相结合的产物。就像电影中的意大利贵族,即是风度翩翩的多情公子,也是敢爱敢恨的角斗士。
Maserati getting popular in China Maserati the car for sportive rich Chinese bosses. 玛莎拉蒂2017款总裁 142.15-298.80万元 2017 Maserati Quattroporte Overview 记得不久前有个朋友跟我说为什么路上的玛莎拉蒂越来越多了?感觉都快成了一些走量的豪华品牌车型了。的确是这样,玛莎拉蒂总裁近年来的销量一直不错,尤其在一线的大城市,很多人都慢慢放弃了奔驰宝马奥迪,转而投奔这样一家意大利的品牌。究其几点原因,就是品牌价值、个性、舒适豪华完美平衡,所以呢,老板们都喜欢买它来撒野,不仅可以代步,想玩的时候一脚油下去也不会让你有恨车不成钢的叹气。 Bad news too: Maserati Quattroporte smashed by Chinese
Maserati Ghibli S Q4
The new Maserati Quattroporte.
Maserati’s goal is to expand its global sales from 6,300 in 2012 to more than 50,000 by 2015, said Maserati CEO Harald Wester.
Maserati GT MC Stradale 2013 model
Just look at the beauty, and enjoy is enough
Maserati 2013 Gran Turismo Sport photo gallery
China becomes the second market for Maserati now. 780 Maserati were sold in China in 2011. USA is currently the largest market for Maserati.