The Type 071 amphibious transport dock, or landing platform dock (LPD) was built by Shanghai-based Hudong-Zhonghua Shipyard for the PLA Navy (PLAN). The first hull Kunlunshan (hull No.998) was launched on 22 December 2006 and commissioned by the PLAN South Sea Fleet on 30 November 2007. The ship is absed at Zhanjiang Naval Base in Guangdong Province.

The Type 071 LPD is the largest indigenously designed combat ship of the PLAN to date, with an estimated full displacement of 17,000~20,000 tonnes. The cargo capacity of the Type 071 is thought to be in the same range as the U.S. Navy Austin class LPD. If this estimation was correct, the Type 071 LPD can carry a marine corps battalion, including 500~800 troops, 15~20 amphibious armoured vehicles, and their associated logistic supplies.

环球网:近日,据网友照片显示,在国内某军港内同时停靠了3艘国产的新型船坞登陆舰。这3艘船坞登陆舰均为中国最新型的071型登陆舰,其中的两艘998昆仑山号和999井冈山号已经在中国海军服役。网友拍摄到的同时停靠在港口内的3艘同型号船坞登陆舰。(HSH论坛 LJY19950212 供图)


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