Chinese Space Fighter Craft

This is in fact the Chinese Space Fighter Craft which we talked about 10 year ago: 空天战机
- 真是字越少,内容越重要,秘而不宣!应该又一个了不起的成就!为祖国自豪!为奋斗的科技工作者点赞!
- 连张照片都不肯发,可见这个东东的神秘。
- 空天战机
“The test would focus on the vehicle’s capability to enter orbit via a carrier rocket launch and the reliability of its returning to Earth, which are key for a reusable orbital vehicle,” said Wang Ya’nan, chief editor of Beijing-based Aerospace Knowledge magazine.

Western analysts think the spacecraft is comparable to the American X-37B, a kind of mini shuttle. That aircraft is made to be able to carry out missions just outside the atmosphere. Think of espionage or the delivery of weapons to any place in the world.

“The test would focus on the vehicle’s capability to enter orbit via a carrier rocket launch and the reliability of its returning to Earth, which are key for a reusable orbital vehicle,” said Wang Ya’nan, chief editor of Beijing-based Aerospace Knowledge magazine. The US website cited a Xinhua report in October 2017, quoting Chen Hongbo, a researcher with China’s state-owned space giant China Aerospace Science and Technology Corp, as saying that China plans to launch its reusable spacecraft in 2020. “Unlike traditional one-off spacecraft, the new spacecraft will fly into the sky like an aircraft,” Chen revealed, adding that the… Read more »