[Tesla Shanghai Giga Factory] Annual production volume 500,000 units

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Tesla’s Shanghai Super Factory’s first-stage production capacity is 250,000 vehicles per year, with a total production target of 500,000 vehicles per year. In fact, Tesla’s global delivery in 2019 is only over 360,000 vehicles. During the Tesla Model 3 delivery ceremony on January 7, the person in charge of the Shanghai plant also stated that the localization rate of parts and components of the Tesla Shanghai plant is currently around 30%, and it is planned to reach 70% by 2020. 100% by the end of 2020.
特斯拉的上海超级工厂一期产能是每年 25 万辆,总产能目标为每年 50 万辆,事实上 2019 年特斯拉在全球的交付量也不过 36 万多辆。在 1 月 7 日的特斯拉国产 Model 3 交付仪式上,上海工厂的相关负责人还表示,目前特斯拉上海工厂的零部件本地化率在 30% 左右,计划 2020 年中达到 70%,2020 年底达到 100%。