Iran Auto Info Thread & Auto Sales
Iran auto sales 2015:
1,055,400 cars
TEHRAN- Iran ranked 13th in the world sales of passenger cars, hitting the sale of 1,055,400 cars in 2015, according to a recent report of the International Organization of Motor Vehicle Manufacturers.
伊朗女性终于能现场看球 苦等40年
Iranian President Hassan Rouhani and Chinese President Xi Jinping (R) review troops during a welcoming ceremony on January 23, 2016 in the capital Tehran. Chinese President Xi Jinping arrived on January 22, 2016 in Iran on the third leg of a Middle East tour aimed at boosting economic ties with the region. State news agency IRNA said Xi, accompanied by three deputy premiers and six ministers as well as a high-ranking business delegation, was greeted at Tehran airport by Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif.
”一带一路”倡议的重要部分 – 连接中国和伊朗的又一铁路运输线周四开通。恰逢特朗普(专题)总统宣布美国退出伊朗协议之时,中国开通与德黑兰的新商道,很难不让人嗅出”叫板”的意味。

China ready to invest in Iran’s high-speed rail projects
Chinese Company to Supply 630 Cars for Tehran Subway
China Railway Rolling Stock Corporation Changchun Railway Company (CRRC CRC) and Tehran Wagon Company have won the tender to build and supply 630 cars for Tehran’s Subway on Wednesday.
The project is worth more than €782.66 million and will be financed by the Chinese side, according to the director general of Urban Rail Transportation Bureau of Iran’s Urban and Rural Municipalities Organization affiliated to the Interior Ministry.
China’s Investments In Iran Up By 20 Fold In Past 4 Years By Orkhan Jalilov February 1, 2018 China’s investment in Iran has increased by 20-fold in the past four years, according to Iranian officials, and many see this figure as an indicator of just how good relations are between the Caspian country and the East Asian giant. “The Chinese companies had near $2.3 billion of direct investment in Iran from 2014 till 2018, while the amount of [the Chinese] investments was $110 million from 1996 till 2014.” Mohammad Khazaie, an Iranian deputy economics minister who also serves as the… Read more »