北京地铁未来将再投1000亿 总长将达660公里
The Beijing Subway (simplified Chinese: 北京地铁; traditional Chinese: 北京地鐵; pinyin: Běijīng dìtiě) is a rapid transit rail network that serves the urban and suburban districts of Beijing municipality. The subway’s first line opened in 1971, and the network now has 9 lines, 147 stations[1] and 228 km of tracks in operation and delivers over 4 million rides per day. [2] It is the oldest and busiest subway in mainland China, and the second longest after the Shanghai Metro. Since the newest line, Line 4, entered operation on September 28, 2009,[3] daily ridership has exceeded 5 million.[4] The existing network still cannot adequately meet the city’s mass transit needs and is undergoing rapid expansion. Overall, plans call for 19 lines and 561 km of tracks in operation by 2015.[5] The Chinese government’s ¥4 trillion economic stimulus package has accelerated subway construction. In addition to 9 lines already under construction, work is set to begin on 3 new lines in 2009, and the entire network will double in size to 420 km by 2012.

2016年12月31日,北京,早晨地铁16号线北段正式开通运营。16号线北段全长19.6公里,公设10站其中农大南路站暂缓开通,行车间隔8分钟,全程31分钟,在西苑交通枢纽与地铁4号线对接以及同西苑交通枢纽的公交车换乘。乘客和大厅内的摆件合影留念 。图/视觉中国
4月1日,几名工人在隧道内施工。近日,中国中铁隧道集团将武汉地铁2号线过江隧道左线工程掘进到汉口江滩,这标志着这一工程成功横穿长江。这是继“万里长江第一隧”武汉长江公路隧道首次穿越长江之后,我国第一条穿越长江的地铁隧道。这条地铁隧道位于武汉长江大桥和武汉长江公路隧道之间,是连接武昌、汉口两镇中心区域地铁2号线的过江通道,全长约3100米,开挖深度约46米,为双线双洞隧道。新华社记者 熊金超 摄
9.8 KM, ticket price 25 USD cents / day