HongQi 9 (HQ-9) Surface-to-Air Missile System


The HongQi 9 (HQ-9) is a long-range, all-altitude, all-weather surface-to-air missile system developed by the China Academy of Defence Technology (also known as CASIC 2nd Academy), a subordinate of the China Aerospace Science & Industry Corporation (CASIC). The HongQi 9 was designed to engage multiple airborne targets such as fixed-wing aircraft and helicopters at all altitudes, with limited anti-ballistic missile capability. The HongQi 9 is currently serving with both the PLA Air Force (SAM corps) and also in the PLA Navy in the form of ship-based HaiHongQi 9 (HHQ-9).

Maximum speed: Mach 2
Guidance: TVM semi-active radar homing
Warhead: 180kg
System reaction time: 10 seconds
Single-shot hit probability: 70~90%

Weight 1300 kg
Length 6.8 m

Operational range:
200 km (FD-2000 version)
250 km (HQ-9A version)
300+ km (HQ-9B version)

Engine Two-stage solid propellant rocket


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