The Oriental Son was Chery’s first big sedan, it had a good run in the years that it was sold and was arguably one of China’s first forays into the mid size sedan segment. Now that the Oriental Son has come to an end, a newer sedan codenamed the B16 is on its way:

A launch date for the B16 has not yet been announced, although it is likely that we will see the B16 make an appearance at the Guangzhou Auto Show later this year amongst a million other Chery cars. Chery seems to be willing to put the Chery brand on the front end of this car and will continue with the development of the Riich and Reely brands separately, on the other hand Geely set up its sub brands (Emgrand, Gleagle, Englon) and has decided to dump its Geely brand in favor of selling its sub branded cars instead.

奇瑞内部代号B16的新一代中级轿车,是去年中成立的,旗云(配置 图库 口碑 论坛)事业部的高端旗舰产品。目前,前期的开发测试工作,已经基本完成,即将投入量产。其商品名称确定为新“东方之子(配置 图库 口碑 论坛)”。根据奇瑞的最新规划,新东方之子不会急于求成,将精益求精,上市计划推迟到今年下半年。届时,将与全新的动力总成同步亮相,主攻¥12万~¥15万元区间,与合资品牌的低端产品展开正面较量。

新东方之子(B16),实际上是奇瑞8年前推出的第一代中级轿车——东方之子(B11(配置 图库 口碑 论坛)),全面升级换代的大改款型号。通过重新设计外观内饰,量变的积累带来了质变的飞跃,面貌焕然一新,整车得到了全面提升和改进。与此同时,老款东方之子的拉皮小改款型号——旗云5(B11FL),也基本定型,将与新东方之子形成高低搭配,构建与颇具竞争力的产品组合。

官方价格:10.18-12.88万元 经销商报价:7.98-12.88万元

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