NIO wins “Best of Best” at the Automotive Brand Contest with ES6

MUNICH, Germany, May 5, 2020 NIO Inc. (NIO) (NYSE: NIO) – The Chinese electric car manufacturer NIO has received the top mark in the Automotive Brand Contest 2020 for the vehicle design of its second production model ES6. The company took first place in the category Exterior Premium Brand.
NIO had already been able to win prizes in the categories “Concepts”, “Brand Design” and “Digital” for the concept car “EVE” in 2017 when participating in the Automotive Brand Contest. Now a further award has been added, which has a special significance for NIO. NIO’s Vice President of Design, Kris Tomasson, who is responsible for all creative functions of the brand and automotive design, says: “After we already won prizes with NIO “EVE”, this important award is now the first for a series-production vehicle from NIO. The fact that the jury awarded our production-ready work top marks means a lot to us. It confirms once again that we are on the right track with our guideline ‘Driven by Design’.”
The Automotive Brand Contest is the only international design competition for automobile marques and has emerged as the important event in the sector. With the competition the German Design Council honors outstanding product and communication design and draws attention to the fundamental importance of brand and brand design in the automotive industry. In this context the focus is on the integral and consistent use of the brand across all media and products.
55.000 €
设计驱动 江淮蔚来ES6斩获2020德国汽车品牌大赛最佳设计大奖
新华网客户端 2020-05-06 19:13:54
江淮蔚来凭借其第二款量产车型ES6的设计,在德国品牌委员会主办的2020年德国汽车品牌大赛(Automotive Brand Contest)中脱颖而出,在外观设计中荣获最佳设计大奖。
创立于2011年的汽车品牌评选是行业内唯一的独立国际设计赛事。主办方德国品牌设计委员会(German Design Council)在德国联邦议院的倡议下于1953年创立,专为表彰杰出的产品和传播方案,引导公众关注品牌与品牌设计对汽车行业的重要性。历史上曾获此殊荣的还有奔驰CLA Coupe、宾利添越等车型。该奖项的颁奖仪式将于今年秋天在法兰克福举行。
蔚来早先已凭借其概念车EVE于2017暖在汽车品牌大赛概念车、品牌设计和数字交互类中斩获殊荣。如今再添一勋,对蔚来汽车有特殊意义。公司设计副总裁Kris Tomasson说:“此前我们的概念车EVE已获多个奖项,而今蔚来的量产车首次获此大奖。评委们将最高分给予我们的量产车型,这对我们来说意义重大。这再一次证明我们“设计驱动”的道路是正确的。”