Hozon Auto NETA N01 Mini SUV 2020 model

自5月1日至5月31日,哪吒N01 2020款全系限时综合优惠,最低售价降至5.98万元起,降价幅度达7000元。
From May 1 to May 31, the Nezha N01 2020 model is a comprehensive limited-time comprehensive discount, the lowest selling price has dropped to 59,800 yuan, and the price reduction has reached 7,000 yuan.
新款哪吒N01增搭了C-booster制动能量回收系统,百公里能耗11kw•h。续航方面,新车提供两种续航里程的车型,380车型NEDC续航里程为301公里,430车型NEDC续航里程提升至351公里。此外,新车还配备了H-EPT 2.0电控系统,快充模式可实现30分钟充至80%电量。
The new Nezha N01 is equipped with a C-booster braking energy recovery system, which consumes 11kw • h energy per 100 kilometers. In terms of endurance, the new car offers two models with cruising range. The NEDC cruising range of the 380 model is 301 kilometers, and the NEDC cruising range of the 430 model is increased to 351 kilometers. In addition, the new car is also equipped with H-EPT 2.0 electronic control system, fast charging mode can achieve 30 minutes to 80% charge.
哪吒N01推限时优惠政策 优惠后5.98万元起