Geely in talks to pump cash into Aston Martin

The Chinese company is conducting due diligence as it looks at taking a stake in the UK group, which is in need of fresh finances, said four people familiar with the discussions. The talks may lead to a technology partnership rather than a full investment, one of the people said.
Germany’s Daimler, in which Geely owns 10 per cent, already sells some technology and engines to Aston.
Geely, which owns Britain’s Lotus and Sweden’s Volvo as well as a stake in Daimler, is one of several groups in discussions about investing in the business.
吉利有意投资阿斯顿·马丁 涉及19.9%股份
【太平洋汽车网 行业频道】继吉利集团在2010年收购豪华车品牌沃尔沃、2019年收购路特斯汽车之后,似乎又对超豪华品牌阿斯顿·马丁(Aston Martin)产生了浓厚兴趣。据悉,吉利集团有意投资阿斯顿马丁19.9%股份,涉及金额2亿英镑,而目前双方还在协商当中,暂时不清楚此项投资是财务投资还是涉及到技术合作。
Since October 2018, its share price has fallen sharply (more than 80%) due to lower-than-expected sales, and only 5,619 new cars were sold worldwide in 2019. As a result, Aston Martin’s losses have become the norm, coupled with the current decline in demand in Europe and Asia, it is expected that sales in 2020 will be lower than previously estimated levels.
值得注意的是,对阿斯顿·马丁有意的投资方目前不止吉利一家。根据海外媒体报道,加拿大时尚亿万富翁Lawrence Stroll也正在计划投资阿斯顿·马丁,金额近2亿英镑,Stroll可能会通过向阿斯顿现有大股东或公开市场购买来扩大持股。。