Byton CEO claims better tech than rival Tesla

Like several aspiring Tesla rivals before it, Byton aims to beat the Silicon Valley-based electric car maker at its own game. This means better tech, a lower price point, and a solid path to profitability without any of the growing pains that Tesla experienced over the years. Byton CEO Daniel Kirchert believes that his company has the goods to meet these goals, and perhaps even more.
In a recent interview, Kirchert noted that when preparing the M-Byte, Byton’s first vehicle, the CEO stated that the company focused so much on tech that it is poised to outdo Tesla in the segment. “We tried to jump at least one or two steps further,” he said, emphasizing that the company wanted to create a “smart device on wheels” with its first production vehicle.
pretty neat
拜腾M-byte量产版下线 白色车身颜值高/内饰大屏很抢眼
The only way to make money as a car company, Kirchert said, is to sell a large number of cars. For that reason, Byton priced the M-Byte (which starts at around $50,000) closer to Tesla’s Model 3 ($39,990) than its higher-end vehicles, the Model S sedan ($79,990) and Model X SUV ($84,990). Tesla has proved with the Model 3 that you can sell a significant amount of electric vehicles at the right price point, Kirchert said, though an attractive price won’t drive sales by itself. Electric-car makers need to develop vehicles that are more compelling than their gas-powered counterparts. “You… Read more »