2019 Mustang S302 800HP 931Nm

The 2019 Sailin Mustang S302 black label model is based on the Ford Mustang GT. The entire car is equipped with a 5.0-liter V8 engine, a supercharger kit, an intercooler, a fuel injector, a Sailin high-performance exhaust system, and a new upgrade. The ECU program enables it to reach a maximum of 800 horsepower and 931 N · m of torque. It is matched with a six-speed manual transmission and accelerates from 100 kilometers to 3.7 seconds.
2019款赛麟Mustang S302黑标车型基于福特Mustang GT打造,全车搭载5.0升V8引擎,换装机械增压套套件,中冷器,燃油喷射器,赛麟高性能排气系统,以及重新升级的ECU程序,使其达到最大800马力,931牛·米的扭矩,匹配六速手动变速箱,百公里加速3.7秒。
2019款赛麟Mustang S302黑标!动力调校至800马力,零百加速3.7秒