Xpeng P7 Electric Coupe ($40,000 – 55,000)

At the Guangzhou Auto Show opened on November 22, Xiaopeng Automobile officially announced the pre-sale price range of its second production model Xiaopeng P7: 270,000 -370,000 Yuan, with single motor rear drive version and dual motor four-wheel drive version.
Xiaopeng P7 is positioned in the medium-sized coupe. NEDC’s comprehensive cruising range is 550km+ and 650km+. The dual-motor four-wheel drive model can break through the fastest 4.3 seconds.
The new car will be available in the second quarter of next year and will be delivered.
2019 11月22日开幕的广州车展,小鹏汽车正式公布了旗下第二款量产车型小鹏P7的预售价区间:27-37万元,有单电机后驱版和双电机四驱版可选。小鹏P7定位中型轿跑,NEDC综合续航里程有550km+和650km+两种版本,双电机四驱车型最快4.3秒即可破百。新车将于明年第二季度上市并启动交付。