China Sets Rules for Young Gamers

90 Minutes a Day, Until 10 P.M.: China Sets Rules for Young Gamers.
BEIJING — No playing video games after 10 p.m. No more than 90 minutes of gaming on weekdays. Want add-ons like virtual weapons and costumes? Keep it to $57 a month.
The Chinese government has released new rules aimed at curbing video game addiction among young people, a problem that top officials believe is to blame for a rise in nearsightedness and poor academic performance across a broad swath of society.
The regulations, announced by the National Press and Publication Administration on Tuesday, ban users younger than 18 from playing games between 10 p.m. and 8 a.m. They are not permitted to play more than 90 minutes on weekdays and three hours on weekends and holidays.
The limits are the government’s latest attempt to rein in China’s online gaming industry, one of the world’s largest, which generates more than $33 billion in annual revenue and draws hundreds of millions of users.
Europe: Fortnite
China has imposed curfews on minors playing video games to combat what the government says is a serious addiction “harming the physical and mental health of minors”.
In the West you have a whole generation that is ruining his studies and youth with eight or more hours of gaming a day. How much talent has already been lost with this? Talented guys who didn’t make it to their uni because they only played games. That is no longer the case in China. Scary country, in many respects, but here they make big profit points.
The Chinese government simply understands its people well. Chinese people are extremely sensitive to addictions (opium, gambling, gaming). The first 2 are already banned in China. China wants to become a world power, and the population is the key to that. They probably see it as a good parenthood.