McLaren MSO 600LT

The 600LT Spider MSO is equipped with a wide range of MSO custom carbon fiber body components. In addition to the brake calipers using Napier green elements, the steering wheel is used at the 12 o’clock correction mark, car keys and stitches.
In terms of power, the new car will continue to be equipped with a 3.8L twin-turbocharged V8 engine with a maximum power of 441kW (600Ps), a peak torque of 620Nm, a 0-100km/h acceleration time of 2.9s and a top speed of 324km/h.
600LT Spider MSO配备了非常多MSO定制碳纤维车身组件。除了刹车卡钳使用纳皮尔绿色元素,在方向盘12点钟回正标记、车钥匙以及缝线处均有使用。动力方面,新车继续搭载3.8L双涡轮增压V8发动机,最大功率441kW(600Ps),峰值扭矩620Nm,0-100km/h加速时间为2.9s,极速可达324km/h。
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迈凯伦 McLaren MSO 600LT (分辨率:5000)