RedFlag HS7 Flagship Suv 2019 model

Engine: 3.0L Turbo, 248Kw, 445N.m
Length: 5 meter
V6 3.0机械增压 红旗HS7正式上市 售34.98-45.98万元
Chinese automaker FAW Group is set to launch a new Hongqi SUV model to target private buyers, the group said at this year’s World Internet Conference (WIC) that closed Friday.
The luxury SUV model Hongqi HS7 is scheduled to hit the market in 2019. Meanwhile, the company’s first Hongqi electric SUV, unveiled at the Beijing International Automotive Exhibition this year, is also scheduled to hit the market in 2019. Both the SUV and electric car models are being launched to explore the private car market.
Earlier this month, the company unveiled a partnership with Baidu to develop a near-full autonomous vehicle in 2019 and achieve mass production by the end of 2020. The company’s first fully autonomous Apolong minibuses, rolled out earlier this year, are now running in over 10 locations.
Hongqi has set sales targets of 100,000 cars in 2020, 300,000 in 2025 and 500,000 in 2035, said FAW Group Chairman Xu Liuping. It will introduce 17 car models, including electric and SUV models, by 2025.
The first Hongqi, or Red Flag, car was made in 1958. Hongqi is one of China’s iconic sedan brands and has been used as the vehicle for parades at national celebrations.
Established in 1953 in the northeastern Chinese city of Changchun, FAW was the first automaker in China.
7月12日,红旗首款中大型SUV HS7正式上市,新车共推出旗悦四驱版、智联旗享四驱版、智联旗畅四驱版、智联旗领四驱版4款车型,售价区间34.98万-45.98万。动力方面,红旗HS7搭载V6机械增压发动机,满足国六b排放标准,且全系提供全时四驱系统。
China iconic brand Hongqi’s luxury SUV hits the market The Hongqi HS7 model, launched in the northeastern Chinese city of Changchun, is priced at a range of 349,800 yuan (50,900 U.S. dollars) to 459,800 yuan, the Changchun-based carmaker said. The model is equipped with a 3.0L V6 engine with mechanical supercharging and higher-end interiors. With the new SUV model, Hongqi currently has two models in both the sedan and SUV categories. Hongqi, meaning “red flag,” is China’s iconic sedan brand. The brand was established in 1958 and has been used as the vehicle for parades at national celebrations. To help… Read more »
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