wautom.com child theme
OK, it works:
child theme name:
[1] functions.php
comments .” wpc
where wpc.comment_post_id = wp_posts.id AND wpc.comment_approved = 1
) as mcomment_date”;
//$pieces[‘orderby’] = “mcomment_date desc”;
$pieces[‘orderby’] = “CASE WHEN wp_posts.comment_count = 0 then wp_posts.post_date ELSE mcomment_date END DESC”;
return $pieces;
add_filter( ‘posts_clauses’, ‘intercept_query_clauses’, 20, 1 );
// Make youtube display bigger
add_filter( ’embed_defaults’, ‘bigger_embed_size’ );
function bigger_embed_size()
return array( ‘width’ => 800, ‘height’ => 430 );
[2] style.css
Theme Name: MesoColumn Wautom
Theme URI: http://www.dezzain.com/wordpress-themes/mesocolumn/
Description: Mesocolumn Child Theme created by me
Version: 1.0.0
Author: Hong
Author URI: http://www.dezzain.com
Template: mesocolumn
License: GNU General Public License
License URI: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php
Tags: buddypress,white,two-columns,three-columns,right-sidebar,responsive-layout,flexible-header,editor-style,custom-colors,custom-menu,custom-header,custom-background,featured-images,full-width-template,theme-options,threaded-comments,microformats,rtl-language-support,translation-ready
The CSS, XHTML and design is released under GNU General Public License:
see changelog.txt for version update info
#searchform input[type=’text’],.search-form .search-field {background-color: #f7f7f7; padding: 0.5em 0.75em; border: 1px solid #ddd; color: #666; width: 73%;}
Modify the style.css
The problem is: the images in main are not centered vertically correct.
It is now this bad way:
But the original image is this:

I want to change the style.css to make this display of image in centered way
you can use the UC Browser Inspect Element to check which css style is applied on those images.
OK, the solution is:
img.alignleft, img.alignright, img.aligncenter {
margin-bottom: 1.625em;
border-radius: 5px;
max-height: 200px;
This is important:
max-height: 200px;
The new style.css works fine in Firefox Developer Edition, but not on UC Browser.
OK, UC Browser works too after clearing image cache