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Fastest Lap Around Manhattan 2013 by Afroduck Productions

During the summer of 2013, a record was set for the fastest loop around Manhattan starting from 116th St. on the FDR heading downtown, up the Henry Hudson Highway, and back down to 116th St. in just 24 minutes.

He stops at all the red lights, seems to be obeying all the other traffic laws, and if you slow down the video to normal speed, he’s only going a few miles an hour faster than surrounding traffic. Why was this guy arrested again?

Adam Tang, Canadian ‘Fastest Lap around Manhattan’ driver, convicted


 加拿大华裔司机Adam Tang涉嫌去年在纽约市内飙车,24分钟内狂飙42公里,并且把片段上载互联网分享,最后招致警方拘捕。法庭昨日裁定他危害他人安全罪名成立,但他未有出庭应讯,或可能判监一年。

  现年32岁的被告Adam Tang是加拿大公民,娶有一名美国籍妻子。2013年8月份,他在YouTube上载一段飙车片段,点击人数数十万计,警方在收看有关片段后,于9月采取行动拘捕Tang,但他拒绝承认控罪,并拒绝服刑2个月的有条件认罪建议。法庭文件显示,被告承认目击有其他司机,因目睹他的汽车高速驶近而剎车,但声言时速没有超过每小时160公里。

  虽然法官日前已经就Tang没有上庭发出法官通缉令(bench warrant),但被告昨日依然未有出庭应讯,假如他在通缉令发出30日内仍未现身,将可能在12月8日面临最高一年的监禁。

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