China Defense Budget

2020 data:
China’s defense budget over 2,000 billion Yuan (2% GDP) = 300 billon USD.
In PPP term, China’s defense budget over 500 billion USD.
NOTE: USA has about 700 billion defense budget in 2020.
2014 data:
2013 data:
China’s defence budget in 2013 is about 120 Billion USD, up 10% compared to 2012, in PPP it is about 180 billion USD.
2012 data:
China’s defence budget in 2012 is about 100 Billion USD, in PPP it is about 150 billion USD.
China spends about 2.4% of the GDP in military.

2020 data:
China’s defense budget over 2,000 billion Yuan (2% GDP) = 300 billon USD.
In PPP term, China’s defense budget over 500 billion USD.
NOTE: USA has about 700 billion defense budget in 2020.
2020: $1 = 6.5 RMB
2019 USA: $732 billion CHINA: $261 billion 2019年全球军费支出达到1.9万亿美元(约合1.7万亿欧元),为1988年以来的最高。根据斯德哥尔摩国际和平研究所(SIPRI)的最新数据显示,这一数额比2018年增长了3.6%,是2010年以来最大的年度增幅。 根据SIPRI的报告,2019年美国的军费支出占全球军费支出的38%,共计7320亿美元。仅其2018年预算增加的资金就相当于德国2019年的总支出。 这些资金用于支付约1.6万名额外的军事人员,以及其常规武器和核武库的现代化建设。但专家也认为,增加军费开支是对中国的一种回应,因为中国在军费开支方面排名第二,仅次于美国。2019年,北京的预算占全球军费开支14%,增长超过5%,达到2610亿美元。 Global military spending in 2019 reached US $ 1.9 trillion (about 1.7 trillion euros), the highest since 1988. According to the latest data from the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI), this amount has increased by 3.6% from 2018, the largest annual increase since 2010. According to the SIPRI report, US military expenditures accounted for 38% of global military expenditures in 2019, totaling US $ 732 billion. The increase in its 2018 budget alone is equivalent to Germany ’s total expenditure in 2019. These funds are used to pay for… Read more »
A challenge from China could be just the thing to pull NATO together
2019 data
Only 1.3% of GDP, too low
2012 data:
China’s defence budget in 2012 is about 100 Billion USD, in PPP it is about 150 billion USD.
China spends about 2.4% of the GDP in military.
USA defence budget in 2012 is about 600 Billion USD. USA spends 4.5% of the GDP in military spending.
If China also spends 4% GDP then China’s defense budget will reach 350 billion USD, getting very close to that of USA, and far more than the third place.
Chinese official defense budget in 2018:
UD$175 billion
中国2013年军费预算7202亿元 较去年增10.7%
About $ 100 billion this year, China’s military spending
2012年09月18日 15:49 新华网
新华网北京9月18日电 (郝亚琳 王心蕊)国务委员兼国防部长梁光烈18日在此间表示,中国军费与去年相比略有增加,约为千亿美元左右。