Li Xiang L9 ($80,000)

Li Xiang L9 作为理想汽车的第二款产品,自官宣定名理想L9之后,它已经有了极高的关注指数。近日,新车的外观谍照首次曝光,正式亮相将要等到北京车展了,价格方面,新车预计在45-50万元。 As the second product of the ideal car, since the official announcement of the name of the ideal L9, it has already gained a very high…

Hengchi 5 rolls off the assembly line (US$35,000)

Hengchi 5 rolls off the assembly line The first mass-produced model Hengchi 5 rolls off the assembly line ahead of schedule on December 30 恒驰5定位为一款纯电紧凑型SUV,恒驰5定位于紧凑型纯电SUV,售价20万元人民币之下,对标奥迪Q3、宝马X1等车型。外观设计来自恒驰汽车中村史郎带领的团队,采用了时下流行的分体式设计,造型参考了中国古代兵器—战戟,辨识度很强。车身侧面比例十分协调,线条流畅且有力量感。车身尺寸方面,该车长宽高分别为4725*1925*1688mm,轴距为2780mm。 Hengchi 5 is positioned as…